Trusted solutions
UBA: Health, Safety and Environment
Providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees by controlling hazards with quality processes, equipment and training, in accordance with legislative requirements and safe work procedures is at the heart of UBA’s health, safety and environment policy. Being a chemical supplier that meets and exceeds customer requirements in an ethical, professional and diligent manner is part of the company employees’ day-to-day work.
We also hold CTPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) certification, through which all supply chain participants cooperate with U.S. Customs to develop security methods for every phase of their operations.

Qualified personnel trained for every event
UBA is proud to have highly qualified drivers who have the technical expertise and training to distribute each product. With a strong focus on customers and health, safety and the environment, courtesy and proactivity about their time management, UBA drivers perform partial load deliveries using a pump, rather than compressed air as several other distribution companies do. This method ensures precise delivery of ordered quantities and safe transfers, because trailers don’t have to be depressurized after unloading.
Prior to the founding of UBA, two distribution methods were available to customers: products could be received in bulk or in boilers, drums or other small tote formats. Handling was laborious, increased the risk of accidents, led to significant investments in storage systems, and, in some cases, called for additional storage space.
UBA’s solution: install tanks sized to customer demand directly on-site. Handling totes is no longer necessary. Tanks are directly connected to customers’ manufacturing processes. Deliveries are carried out by trained employees and warehousing systems are systematically maintained and inspected.
Founding Member of Responsible distribution Canada (RDC)
UBA is a founding member of Responsible Distribution Canada, formally CACD (Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors) which was created in 1988. The Responsible Distribution Canada program is based on various ISO standards, which ensures that members conduct rigorous and independent third party verification audits.
Services and benefits
- 24/7 emergency service
- Subscription to a liability insurance policy