24 August 2020
This year again, Groupe Somavrac organized an environment week. During this week, several activities aimed at raising employee awareness concerning environmental respect for the planet took place. Videos and blog posts were shared with employees. In addition, several competitions aimed at zero waste, the reduction of greenhouse gases as well as the implementation of new ecological measures also took place.
Sharing information via email
Due to the pandemic, Groupe Somavrac provided environmental information through videos and blog articles to its employees. A video concerning compost and a video giving tips and tricks to reduce waste were sent to employees. In addition, two other DIY-style videos (do-it-yourself) to create non-toxic household cleaning products and soaps were shared.
Finally, 4 blog articles about greenwashing, applications to reduce food waste, waste reduction as well as upcycling from the kitchen into practical items were sent to all of Groupe Somavrac employees.
Friendly competitions
We challenged our employees to go zero-waste for their lunches aiming to decrease and spread awareness towards single-use plastic at lunch. To increase participation participants had a chance to win a “zero waste” kit.
We also organized āthe responsible car use challengeā. The goal of this challenge was to promote carpooling, cycling, walking and the use of public transport to reduce greenhouse. Over 175 kilometers were saved July 20th through 24th thanks to this competition.
A last competition was launched to all subsidiaries, the goal of this one was to collect environmental improvement suggestions to be implemented within the company. Here are some suggestions that we received: informative posters about recycling, a second deposit box for returnable containers, installation of motion detector lights in the bathrooms and a deposit box for pens, markers, permanent and others. These suggestions will be put in place in the company in September.