Make the work of snow removal operators easier and eliminate time lost dealing with frozen clumps of sand
Second challenge
Reduce the amount of road salt spread
Increase driver safety at lower temperatures (salt begins to lose its effectiveness at -12 degrees Celsius)
Budgetary considerations
Solutions recommended by Somavrac C.C.
Solution to the first challenge: pre-wetting abrasives with an automated mixer
Pre-wetting abrasive piles with liquid to make handling easier at low temperatures (down to -51 degrees Celsius)
Solution to the second challenge: on-board liquid for abrasives
Installation of an on-site 40,000-liter buffer tank for liquid de-icer storage (29.6% concentration calcium chloride with corrosion inhibitor) for proactive spreader truck refills
Spreader trucks equipped with an automated liquid spray system controlled by operators based on spreading charts developed by the city
Before falling to the ground, the salt and sand in the truck body are sprayed with the de-icing agent for an immediate ice-melting effect
Results and customer impact
30% less salt in the environment
Product effective down to -25 degrees Celsius
Uniform, malleable piles at temperatures as low as -51 degrees Celsius
Less loss through bouncing, as liquid enhances product ground adhesion
Better long-term product effectiveness leading to fewer snow removal operations