About chemical distribution

Groupe Somavrac is a strategic partner in the sale and distribution of chemicals. Groupe Somavrac’s expertise in responsible distribution enables us to provide the safest service possible. Groupe Somavrac can design and install tanks connected directly to customer manufacturing processes. As well as managing product inventory, Groupe Somavrac offers a wide range of products and sizes. Whether the products are alkalis, peroxides, acids, or chlorides, the distribution circuit is safe, reliable, and flexible. Trust a team of experts for all your chemical management needs .

Nos filiales en distribution de produits chimiques


chemical products

UBA, a Groupe Somavrac subsidiary, is the chemical distribution partner you have been looking. WithĀ  60 plus years of experience in the safe distribution of chemicals, UBA is the strategic partner for your chemical needs. Trust UBA’s chemical distribution expertise for your needs in acides, bases or specialized products.Ā 


dust supressants and deicers

Somavrac C.C., a Groupe Somavrac subsidiary, is the reference in sales and distribution of dust suppressants and de-icers. Somavrac C.C. offers a range of products suitable both for summer or winter seasons. Our main focus is to offer personalized products which can help our customers focus safely on their core activites.

Abat-poussiĆØres Somavrac C.C.

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UBA, distributeur de produits chimiques, chemical distributor

5 reasons to do business with UBA

  Looking for a reliable and professional chemical distributor? Here are five reasons to do business with UBA!   1. UBA designs sophisticated storage systems
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DƩglaƧants pour entrƩes, trottoirs, escaliers et stationnements

Specialized salts for sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and stairs

We have set our expertise to developing a range of high-performance de-icers that help keep stairs, driveways, parking lots and sidewalks safe to use. Here
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Route en hiver - sel dƩglaƧant

Specialized road salts

As de-icing experts, we guide our customers to the right solution for Quebec winter conditions. Here are our flagship products that meet your needs:  
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